Accessibility technology to be trialled at Glasgow Airport: Open Inclusion
We have some exciting research at Glasgow Airport that's been featured in the news! The research project will examine how neurodiverse and deaf/hard-of-hearing passengers navigate Glasgow Airport and how accessible technology could help. The technology will hopefully be introduced at Glasgow Airport in the hopes of making…
Why is Japan better than Britain for disabled people
When Ellie Simmonds went to Japan in November to celebrate her 30th birthday, the swimming champion was astonished by how easy the country made things for her. The Paralympian swimmer, who has dwarfism, found that when she had to cross a road or summon a lift, the buttons were placed at the correct height for her. She…
Emirates set to become the world’s first Autism Certified Airline
More than 30,000 Emirates cabin crew and ground staff will have completed the initial training. Emirates also plans to roll out new standards and services that will improve the on ground and inflight travel experience for both customers on the autism spectrum and their families and companions. It will be interesting to…
EMR introduces accessibility maps for passengers
The train operator said the maps outline step-free access points, accessible toilets, parking facilities and assistance services. EMR said the maps were created using feedback from members of its accessibility panel, made up of disabled customers that regularly engage with the company. This great to see, at first glance I…
DOT Announces New Rules to Protect Passengers with Disabilities
DOT Announces New Rules to Protect Passengers with Disabilities The Department of Transportation (DOT) has announced new rules to protect the rights of air travelers with disabilities. These rules address several key areas, including handling wheelchairs and assistive devices, employee training, and timely delivery of…
Offbeat Travel Destinations
My husband and I are both wheelchair users and love to travel between us we have probably been to to about 90 countries. We really like to go to new places, and thinking about our travel plans for the next couple of years. Does anyone have any suggestions of places that are surprisingly accessible for wheelchair travellers…
Guide to air travel with a power chair
My husband and I, both powered wheelchair users fly a lot; in the last few months, we have noticed a lot of powered wheelchair users on social media having issues with airlines and airports not understanding the regulations and requirements related to supporting wheelchair-using customers and transporting powered…
Charging Blue badge holders for parking
Unfortunately my local broke council has decided to start charging blue badge holders parking fees, traditional the council allowed them to park for free. It is purely to make money, disability costs people enough. I believe strongly they should not be charged and worry other councils will follow. For many driving to get…
Winter mobility, a universal problem here, is a one example in London.
Winter mobility, a universal problem here, is one example in London. I recently moved back north from North Carolina to be closer to family as I recover from an ongoing health issue. One thing I forgot about or at least put out of my mind was the impact of snow on my body and mobility. Winter presents significant mobility…
Train company launches 3d maps of station
This has been introduced for 10 stations to help disabled people, personally I find so much easier to read as a dyslexic/dyspraxia. I always use google maps over apple maps.
Accessibility at airports
When I was traveling out of Rochester, NY (ROC) airport the other day, I happened to notice that one of the TVs switched from whatever information they were displaying to actual real-time captioning in full screen, it captioned the overhead announcement. This was a first for me to see! I've seen some form of captioning at…
Tips for sleeping on a long haul flight and on holiday
I sleep really well at home but when I am away from home in a hotel I struggle… over the years I tried different things, like eye masks, ear plug etc… But worst than that is sleeping on a flight which I need to do on Friday . I know the more I sleep the better the jet lag will be, so I am looking for tips to help me sleep…
Tech Makes Beaches Accessible to Everyone
Tech Makes Beaches Accessible to Everyone Over the last decade, technology has dramatically improved beach access for people with disabilities. Innovations like Access Trax mats and powered all-terrain wheelchairs help users navigate sand and even reach the water. These tools provide more independence, though cost and…
Beach Resorts offering autism friendly holidays
Found this interesting article about beach resorts becoming autism friendly. I love to know if anyone has attend this or anything similar and what their experience was.
Opens Josh talks to BBC on the right to flight
Open’s very own Josh who was on the Channel 4 programme about the right to flight, is featured in the BBC talking about his own experiences.
New report exposes accessibility challenges for disabled bus passengers
This report was done by bus users UK and funded by the Mobility Foundation. Through first-hand, personal accounts, the report captures the lived-experiences of disabled bus passengers across England, Scotland and Wales. The findings highlight a stark reality: while buses are essential for enabling people to lead full and…
Virtual Tours
It is great to see this virtual tour of a train station. I work visually and often try to look up place on images or google street map beforehand to take out the anxiety of going to a new place and having to read signs to navigate my around. I hope we see more place do this and put them on there websites
What technology are we using to help us when travelling?
What are the technologies that are helping us travel independently or accompanied? I'd love to know what we use and how we use it.
Talking about Accessible Travel
Hey everyone, I want to share this recent article from Maayan Ziv about redefining accessible travel. It covers new approaches to make travel easier for everyone, especially those with disabilities. Give it a read: How to Redefine Accessible Travel. Would love to hear your thoughts!
How do we hold train companies accountable for not meeting basic communication needs?
I came across an article discussing how dirty windows on a commuter transit service make it difficult for riders to see which station they are at: As a deaf person, I heavily rely on visual cues to know which stop I am at. Dirty windows are a significant issue for me, but that's not the only problem. NJ Transit's rolling…
Pre booked assistance on trains inflated
It is shocking to hear that rail companies over inflated stats on pre booked rail assistance to support the office ticket closures as disabled people and organisations, plus workers unions were fighting this. Clearly customer care does not exist.
Rail companies use fake disabled mystery shoppers
I found this socking and disgusting, why are they not using disabled mystery shoppers to get true insights and experience. I believe there are enough disabled people who would be willing to give feedback and mystery shop for rail companies.
Regulator calls on rail operators to improve complaints processes and redress provision for disabled
We have some exciting research that has just been published by the Office of Rail and Road (ORR). The mixed method research project was a collaboration between ORR, research agency Trajectory, and Open Inclusion to better understand the complaint processes of disabled passengers when travelling by train. The research was…
Autism guide to travelling
I found this great guide to travelling with Autism and suggestions to make it eaiser to cope with challenges,
Are UK transport strikes affecting you?
As someone who works for a trade Union I support the right to strike but as a Neurodiversity worker I struggle to follow and keep up with what train operators are striking when and the have to amend plans at the last minute for them and rearrange if they are cancelled. I wondered if they were affecting anyone else and if…
Bluetooth throttle control
Bluetooth throttle control This new technology is super cool and allows us to drive in motorsport and regular cars. What are your thoughts? Great job by Christina Vithoulkas.
Booking holiday travel
Booking holiday travel The Holiday travel season is officially upon us. Last month, United Airlines announced a plan to make it easier for wheelchair users to book flights. United Airlines is improving the process with a new booking tool designed especially for wheelchair users. Beginning in early 2024, the airline is…
Trip of a lifetime to Greece and Italy
Thanks to my roommate, Jen, I was able to visit Greece (two weeks) and Italy (one week) in late September/early October. Some info about me. I am a 56 year old man who has cerebral palsy but is ambulatory. In Greece, we traveled all over and visited a winery, an olive grove, many ancient ruins and etc. We ate lots of…
Paratransit what is it good for?
Paratransit issue Last week, I was supposed to have a doctor's appointment for a physical, which turned into getting a new injury checked out. I booked a ride with my local paratransit. The bus arrived about an hour before my scheduled appointment. I was outside waiting upon pulling up. The driver realized I did not have a…
It’s time to go to Greece!
Hey y’all! Have you been able to check this out on LinkedIn?! https://www.linkedin.com/posts/annzaslowrethaber_inclusivityispower-inclusiveworkplace-community-activity-7077615808960462848-ybn9?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios
The most culturally accessible countries.
These are the top countries viewed as culturally accessible by global survey respondents. Traveling, whether it’s to a new restaurant or business around the corner from your house or a new state or country, can be a great way to explore and learn more about ourselves. Recently, US News published a list of what they found…