Tech Makes Beaches Accessible to Everyone

Tech Makes Beaches Accessible to Everyone
Over the last decade, technology has dramatically improved beach access for people with disabilities. Innovations like Access Trax mats and powered all-terrain wheelchairs help users navigate sand and even reach the water. These tools provide more independence, though cost and availability can still be challenges. On the bright side, accessibility-focused travel blogs and interactive maps are making it easier to plan inclusive beach trips. Communities and organizations also advocate for more accessible beach options, ensuring everyone can enjoy a day by the ocean. Have you used a beach wheelchair? If so, what have you experienced?
Read more: Accessibility Technology Ensures Everyone Gets a Day at the Beach.
Thank you Geoff, I went to Newquay in Cornwall UK not long ago and they had a manual wheelchair with large inflatable wheels. I was on a surfing trip and saw it in the corner of my eye and it made me really happy to see. Would be nice if more beaches had them!
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I was reminded of going to the beach is a little kid was not my happy place, to be fair, but my parents had to either carry me or push my custom manual through the sand
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Saw this article about how Devon in the UK are trying to make access to their beaches more accessible and thought of this chat.
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