Responsibility to support Disabled students in medical professional programs
I recently was a part of a conversation on course development at our national conference for Occupational Therapy (OT). Education consists of graduate level program where the students need to pass their coursework at 80% or higher, need to pass clinical rotations, and graduate the program. Once graduated, students then…
The sunflower Landyard partner with the Scouts
It is great to see children been taught about hidden disabilities, awareness is a real key in breaking down the barriers in society.
Research into learning to read in the digital age
I found this article on the research really interesting and learning to reach with technology may affect dyslexia. It made me think which I prefer digital or paper? I really do think digital as it allows me to change the format to what is best for me.
AI in Education: Empowering Students with Disabilities, But Challenges Remain
AI in Education: Empowering Students with Disabilities, But Challenges Remain Imagine a world where students with disabilities can overcome learning challenges and thrive in the classroom. This isn't science fiction but the exciting reality of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education. AI-powered tools like text-to-speech,…
Learning at your own pace
As some that is a visual learning (learning by seeing and doing rather than reading or been told). I thought this was brilliant to build real life workplace in a training setting for hands on learning experience with out the real life pressures. I hope we see more of this.
Pupils left 'humiliated' by school's lanyard rules
I am a fan of the daisy lanyard scheme however I think it should always be your choice to disclose impairments and should never been forced in education or the workplace.
BDA response to the Curriculum and Assessment review call for evidence
The British Dyslexia Association has submitted evidence in the review including observations and recommendations in hope to help create a better learning experience for dyslexic’s.
Appealing treatment in UK special schools
Following this week discovery of another school’s appealing treatment of students with Autism. I found this article on it very insightful reflection on the situation.
Vat on Private schools affecting SEND
In the UK Private schools are now having to pay VAT at 20% on Fees. This effecting SEND pupils as many attend private schools to have their needs met. As this article shows for many this is unaffordable. Surely if a pupil has an impairment and is attending an private school to ensure this is met the government should waive…
Hearing feedback, accepting criticism and building a better Ofsted: the response to the Big Listen
Ofsted published its findings from the “Big Listen” - a 12-week public consultation from March to May of this year that asked people for their views across 4 areas. The consultation received in excess of 16,000 responses: the largest consultation in its history. The consultation also heard from 4,300 children who responded…
JCQ guidance on Exam arrangements
The Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) has published the Access Arrangements and guidance for the academic year 2024 – 2025. These arrangements are available to eligible students taking public exams next summer. Access Arrangements are pre-examination adjustments such as extra time, a reader or a scribe which allow…
National careers UK government service
Found this page with interesting advice from the government for those about to continue studies with educational special needs or disability. It seem timely to share in case helpful for anyone.
UK Infographic on SEN
Really nice to see this in a more visual friendly form than the normal reports.
Uk disabled student allowance government review of non medical help
Back in April the UK government started a review into non-medical help for those in higher education it said this was to improve things and was collecting evidence. I hope as we see a new government in post now it really will bring improvements and not be able cuts or passing the responsibility on to Institutes.
Online Testing Accessibility?
Recently I was provided an opportunity to take a test online using Pearson Vue. Not sure if anyone else has had an opportunity to use this platform and i would be interested in your prerogative. Unfortunately, my experience I encountered was one of significant lack of accessibility. Any thoughts on this would be…
Ofsted big listen for children to complete with a you tube video and question read out.
Often Children are ignored and not listen to either when the customer so it great to see them included in this. I also love the idea of the You tube video alongside the survey which reads to questions along, more survey's and forms etc should have this for adults too.
Uk new special schools announced
I saw the news that new special schools are been planned and with the current issues with SEND provisional I should be pleased but actually was sceptical. Then I read another article that confirmed my concerns.
Para-athlete's app shows users what it's like to have a disability
Para-athlete's app shows users what it's like to have a disability This has be created by an Open member and is great to help many understand access barriers.
How to Choose a University for your Disability
How to appropriately choose a university that meets the needs of your disability. If you have a disability, choosing an institute of higher education involves more than selecting an academic program in social activities. You should consider whether a college or university you attend will help provide you the support you…
When I went to college for the first time, it was a bit of a shock! All of a sudden, I was responsible for everything about my life, including requesting disability accommodations from my professors. This required a great deal of self-advocacy on my part, which I wish I had been better prepared for during my high school…
Salesforce Free Training Program for People with Disabilities
Blind Institute of Technology (BIT) Academy – Salesforce Training Program Open Inclusion is proud to support BIT's Academy up-skills and re-skills professionals with disabilities by preparing candidates with skills necessary for pre-employment. BIT’s training courses teach the knowledge and skills necessary to gain…
Professional Skills for the Modern Workforce for the Blind Community Opportunity
Clusiv - Professional Skills for the Modern Workforce for the Blind Community Opportunity Open Inclusion is proud to support, Clusiv, the world’s first E-learning platform built for the blind community to help remove barriers to employment through courses on occupational, technology and career skills. Clusiv’s E-learning…