How do we hold train companies accountable for not meeting basic communication needs?

I came across an article discussing how dirty windows on a commuter transit service make it difficult for riders to see which station they are at:
As a deaf person, I heavily rely on visual cues to know which stop I am at. Dirty windows are a significant issue for me, but that's not the only problem. NJ Transit's rolling stock often has issues with Passenger Information Displays (PIDs) not being fully functional or providing incorrect information. I know that for many hearing people, the overhead intercom isn't always clear either.
Having dirty windows and unreliable PIDs prevents me from knowing where the train is stopped. Unfortunately, to avoid these issues, I have to rely on my phone's GPS to know my location. But what if my phone dies?
In the UK we have a government department called the Office of rail and road who are the regulator. However I am not sure I would describe them as been in 'listening mode' as it is very hard to suggest improvements which is not a complaint. If you look at there website it say it all (it is inaccessible and text heavy) and I also linked to an interesting articIe link about this too.
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Email them all and call or email the news. you have leverage
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The content that Samantha shared is exactly what i would have shared. Funnily enough, Open worked on that exact project. I would start by sending in a request to ensure windows are cleaned and if that doesn't persist you could go through the ombudsman service or the American version of.
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