8 Best Headphones for the Hearing Impaired [2023]

8 Best Headphones for the Hearing Impaired [2023]
Recently, I broke my headphones long story short. I dropped them and ran over them, trying to pick them up. Who can relate?
I would never consider myself an early adopter of technology. However, I do enjoy researching the latest when I’m in the market. I wanted to take this opportunity to learn about someone else’s experience, and this is what I found.
Over 430 million people worldwide suffer from some form of disabling hearing loss. But ‘hearing loss’ doesn’t always mean complete deafness. People who have trouble hearing can still use a pair of headphones to listen to music without missing any notes or to hear conversations more clearly.
This is one of my favorite YouTubers. Liz Harris describes some of the ways deaf people Enjoy music.
What is your favorite way to listen to your favorite tunes?
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