New dating app for people with disabilities and chronic illnesses.

New dating app for people with disabilities and chronic illnesses.
Dating can be a daunting proposition, no matter your situation. For individuals with disabilities or chronic illnesses, there are many added layers.
Dateability is a dating app designed to change the conversation around dating and sex for individuals with a disability. Per their site, “Dateability is the only dating app designed for the disabled and chronically ill communities. People with disabilities and chronic illnesses often encounter ableism on other dating apps. We understand the unique circumstances when dating with a disability, so we created a safe and accepting space to create meaningful connections for people with physical, intellectual, and psychiatric disabilities.”
What are some of the biggest challenges you face when dating? Are there other apps or technology that you use?
Here is a great YouTube video by Footless Jo, where she discusses the challenges of telling her date about her disability and overall dating safety.
When creating a dating profile, how do you creatively introduce your disability or things around it?
Thanks so much for sharing Geoff. Great video also. I'm curious as to whether a separate app is the answer in the short term but in the long term how do bigger apps i.e hinge, tinder etc make their services a more accessible and inclusive space?
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