2O24 Paris Olympics & Paralympics are right around the corner.

Geoff Cook
Member (Full) Posts: 67
2O24 Paris Olympics & Paralympics are right around the corner.
August is a couple of weeks away, and we are one year away from the 2024 Paralympic Games in Paris. The Olympic flame for the 2024 Paris Games will pass through 64 departments — including five overseas — and 400 towns over 68 days before the cauldron is lit.
The Paris Games will run from July 26-Aug. 11, followed by the Paralympics from Aug. 28-Sept. 8. The flame for the Paralympics will be lit in the British town of Stoke Mandeville and will be carried by 1,000 people.
The official Paralympic YouTube channel has some great videos about qualifications and the Paralympic games in general. Here’s the most recent one on diversity in the Games, bringing people together.
What is your favorite part of the Olympic games or overall experience?
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