Monthly welcome session on Tuesday, July 25 at 12PM Eastern Standard Time

Ali Ingersoll
Posts: 96
We will be introducing you to everything Open, going through the sign up process, navigating the community space, how to get involved in discussions and private groups, how to identify research opportunities, see how much you've been paid and express your interest, and so much more.
Please register your interest for this event and to find Zoom login details here.
The Open Inclusion Team
- All Categories
- 15 Open Community (Open to All)
- 7 Welcome and Introductions
- 6 Coffee Lounge
- 1 Competitions and special offers
- 1 Open Community Help and Support
- My Community Groups
- 282 My Life's Discussions
- 23 Workplace and Employment
- 22 Education and Skills Development
- 15 Entertainment At Home
- 15 Entertainment Out and About
- 33 Travel and Transport
- 9 Built Environment - Access to Buildings and Urban Spaces
- 16 Fitness, Sports and Adventure
- 8 Cooking, Eating and Nutrition
- 11 Arts, Music and Crafts
- 17 Fashion and Beauty
- 17 Home and Daily Basics
- 4 Relationships and Sex
- 21 News and Current Affairs
- 9 Banking and Finance
- 14 Policy and Legislation
- 19 Healthcare
- 9 Shopping
- 3 Housing
- 6 Suggest a new discussion
- Education and Training Opportunities