Welcome to the Open Inclusion Community

Welcome to the Open Inclusion Community!
Thanks for filling in the registration form and joining our Open Community. We’re so glad you chose to join us!
Our community is built with, for, and by you and other people across the community with lived experiences of disabilities. When you share your thoughts through a variety of research opportunities we are consistently engaging in at Open Inclusion, you know that you are empowering brands to be more aware of barriers and friction that exist today for their customers with disabilities. They come to us to learn and progress. We come to you to listen and understand. And
If you are frustrated with exclusion, this is your opportunity to get proactive, helping create a more inclusive future! Your opinions and insight are what lead to impactful, and meaningful change.
Through research and collaboration, we will co-create our future with you. We are already developing a broader range of services in addition to paid research opportunities that have been asked for by the current community.
These include:
- Making it even easier to see what research is on offer at any point in time, outlining each open opportunity that you can seamlessly opt into as and when you wish.
- Find and share ideas with others across interest communities you choose to engage with.
- Find products and services more easily that suit your specific needs and context.
Since you are new to Open, we would love to share what makes us tick and what we stand for:
- Simple, Open and Fair - We are making it simpler for the community to provide valuable insights and feedback to businesses. We are open and transparent.
- Pragmatically Positive - We connect current local and global challenges to creative and practical options for improvement so that tomorrow is more inclusive than today. We drive ongoing positive progress rather than wait for some future leap to perfection.
- Collaborate for Impact - We work in partnership with powerful, aligned individuals and organizations across the globe. Together we build momentum and generate change that goes further, faster, and at a greater scale than any of us can do alone.
If you know anyone else who might be interested in joining, do encourage them to join as well by filling in the registration form. By being a part of our community you can positively influence our inclusive future.
The Open Inclusion Team
Hi all, my name is Chantel. I am totally blind, and I love sports, music, and animals!
- All Categories
- 15 Open Community (Open to All)
- 7 Welcome and Introductions
- 6 Coffee Lounge
- 1 Competitions and special offers
- 1 Open Community Help and Support
- My Community Groups
- 282 My Life's Discussions
- 23 Workplace and Employment
- 22 Education and Skills Development
- 15 Entertainment At Home
- 15 Entertainment Out and About
- 33 Travel and Transport
- 9 Built Environment - Access to Buildings and Urban Spaces
- 16 Fitness, Sports and Adventure
- 8 Cooking, Eating and Nutrition
- 11 Arts, Music and Crafts
- 17 Fashion and Beauty
- 17 Home and Daily Basics
- 4 Relationships and Sex
- 21 News and Current Affairs
- 9 Banking and Finance
- 14 Policy and Legislation
- 19 Healthcare
- 9 Shopping
- 3 Housing
- 6 Suggest a new discussion
- Education and Training Opportunities