Fiverr Empower Program - Freelance Work for People with Disabilities

Ali Ingersoll
Posts: 96
Fiverr Empower Program
Open Inclusion is proud to support the a Fiverr Program that supports people with disabilities to help build their professional experience and to provide freelance employment opportunities through the Fiverr Platform
Find out more information about the Fiverr Empower Program here.
- Provides inclusive training and personalized support; and
- Helps to generate ongoing work opportunities through the Fiverr Platform
Register for the Fiverr Empower Program Here
What to expect from the Fiverr Empower Program?
3 weeks of on-boarding support from the Fiverr Empower Team, which includes:
- 2-hour virtual group meetings per week with a Fiverr Program Lead
- Help to promote you on the platform with tips and perks only offered to Fiverr Empower participants
- Ongoing support from the Empower team after on-boarding for as long as you are a Fiverr Seller
Check out Open Inclusion's YouTube video to learn a little bit more about the Fiverr Empower Program:
- All Categories
- 15 Open Community (Open to All)
- 7 Welcome and Introductions
- 6 Coffee Lounge
- 1 Competitions and special offers
- 1 Open Community Help and Support
- My Community Groups
- 282 My Life's Discussions
- 23 Workplace and Employment
- 22 Education and Skills Development
- 15 Entertainment At Home
- 15 Entertainment Out and About
- 33 Travel and Transport
- 9 Built Environment - Access to Buildings and Urban Spaces
- 16 Fitness, Sports and Adventure
- 8 Cooking, Eating and Nutrition
- 11 Arts, Music and Crafts
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- 17 Home and Daily Basics
- 4 Relationships and Sex
- 21 News and Current Affairs
- 9 Banking and Finance
- 14 Policy and Legislation
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- 3 Housing
- 6 Suggest a new discussion
- Education and Training Opportunities