Where do you get your Disability News?

Ali Ingersoll
Posts: 96
Disability News Resources
Where you read your disability news? What websites do you most frequent? There are dozens of different websites out there for Disability news to stay up-to-date on news and current affairs. Here's a list of a few we found, but we would love for you to add to this list:
- Disability Scoop
- Disability US News (USN)
- The New York Times Section on Disabilities
- Disability Rights
- AmeriDisability
- Disabled World
- The Guardian Disability Section
- Abilities Expo
- National Council on Disability
- Disability Policy News
Most of these are focus in the United States, so we would love to hear on international news websites where you get your information?
PBS came out with a great story on the late Judy Huemann, renowned disability advocate, and everything she stood for to help secure legislation protecting the rights of disabled people.
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