Open Inclusion's Community Terms and Conditions

Our community guidelines
We need your help to keep Open Inclusion’s Community as valuable, authentic, inclusive, and safe as possible.
This platform and these Community Guidelines are designed to make sure that the Community Hub is and remains safe, helpful, and enjoyable for all of us using it.
As Open Inclusion community members we ask that you always act in line with the following guidelines when on the platform (the Open Inclusion Community Hub), or involved in any Open Inclusion research, events or meetups, whether virtual or in person.
- Be supportive and constructive to everyone and in anything you contribute, whether in writina or in community engagement sessions.
- Be inclusive in your language, thoughts and actions.
- Get involved and share your ideas, we can all learn from each other and businesses want to learn from you.
- Ask for help when you need it (of Open or others in the community).
- Absolutely no commercial selling or promotion, spamming, pitching to, or recruitment of, community members for commercial or business purposes.
Hopefully, these guidelines are clear and easy for us all to follow.
If you experience behaviour or see content that you feel does not meet these guidelines, please contact us immediately on We will remove content and reserve the right to exclude anyone from the community who we believe has breached these guidelines and rules.
We know words matter, please consider yours
Above everything else, let’s all commit to being kind! The world is a challenging enough place without adding to it here.
We welcome you sharing your experiences. Please be conscious of how things shared may impact others. Please moderate emotional content if you consider that it may harm anyone else.
If you are interested, please read our disability language statement and use it to inform your language choices.
Open Inclusion's positively different community:
1. Our purpose
The Open Inclusion Community and our Online Hub is an accessible and inclusive digital space where disability and age-informed individuals can influence future products, services, and environments, learn from each other and share helpful solutions, tips and opportunities.
The online platform for the Open community is a place for you to:
- find opportunities for paid research
- engage in research as and when you choose
- update your current access needs, or details for payments
- find links to other opportunities offered on the platform including innovation awards, events, links to inclusive employment or education
- engage with and support each other
- share ideas and solutions
- ask for help, and
- learn from others’ experiences.
Our community is built with, for and by people with lived experiences of disabilities and older age. It is specifically for people with a wide range of additional needs and identities related to disability and age. This has infused it with a wealth of lived experiences of disabilities and older age.
We will co-create the future of this community with you. By joining us, you can help create the community you would most like to be part of.
2. Should I join?
This is a community for people with lived and living experiences of functional differences and older age.
You may or may not (currently) identify as disabled, but you are impacted by ongoing differences. We also welcome carers and family.
- Do you move, sense, think or feel sufficiently differently on an ongoing basis that you often find solutions fail to understand or meet your needs?
- Do you identify as disabled?
- Are you over 65 years old?
- Are you a carer of someone with a disability, or who is over 65 years old?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, we welcome you to join our community!
Restrictions to use of the Open Community platform
1. Non-commercial use only
This community platform and website is provided to you for your personal non-commercial use.
You may not use it to advertise any commercial services or recruit any participants from the community for your own business, research (commercial, academic, or other non-commercial) or other purposes without prior consent and signed written agreement from Open Inclusion.
Anyone doing so will be removed from the community.
2. Content we do not allow
We may remove, edit or moderate content or posts if we believe it is:
- Harassing, inaccurate, defamatory, abusive, disrespectful, offensive, ableist, racist, sexist, threatening, obscene, hateful or inappropriate.
- Insensitive
- Misleading
- Dangerous or harmful to others
- Not relevant to the community
We all make mistakes. However, if any community member breaches these content guidelines multiple times we will expel you from the community. A severe offense may warrant immediate expulsion.
We retain the right to expel anyone at any time we feel is necessary to protect the value and integrity of the community.
It is a private community that we wish to ensure is underpinned with trust and maintained with a high degree of community confidence and respect.
3. Your commitment to us and to each other
By joining this community, you agree that in your engagements in this online hub and forums, and in any of your interactions with Open Inclusion, you will not:
- Break the law or infringe on anyone else’s rights.
- Victimize or harass other people.
- Use offensive, obscene, abusive, discriminatory or other inappropriate languages or images.
- Deceive or mislead anyone.
- Send, store, display or link to any content that includes someone else’s personal information, unless that person is 18 years or over and you have obtained the written consent from them to do so.
- Make recordings or screenshots of audio/video interactions without the written consent of all participants.
- Impersonate anyone.
- Use of our service to help you compete with us or to infringe our rights, or for any commercial purpose.
- Use our community platform, forums or comment sections to sell anything you may benefit from commercially without prior written consent from Open to ensure that it is to the benefit of the community.
Reporting misuse
You will not always agree with other community members. This is expected and OK. We welcome differences in opinion. We also welcome respectful and constructive thoughts that build on others' ideas.
Please do not be rude, righteous, or aggressive with anyone in our community. We all have different reasons that we have arrived at our perspectives.
Any post, comments, or messages that are inappropriate, rude, aggressive or violate our community guidelines will be removed immediately.
If you see content that you feel breaches any of the conditions noted in this document, that is not supportive or respectful of any individuals, the broader Open Community or entity, please report it immediately to
By using the space, you commit to helping us maintain it.
Together we can maintain this space to enable and empower our community to confidentially and positively progress disability-inclusion.
In this community you can support our collective vision and action towards a barrier free society for disabled and older individuals.
- All communications between community members on the site, at events (virtual or in person) facilitated or managed by Open Inclusion, and all communications to and from the Open Inclusion team are bound by these terms and conditions.
- By using the Open Inclusion Community Hub, you indicate that you have read, accept these, agree to abide by and be bound by them (as modified from time to time). If you do not accept all applicable Terms and Conditions of use, please don’t use the Community Hub.
- We are not responsible for any third-party services or sites to which our site links. Community users are solely responsible for reading the legal policies, rules, and terms and conditions of third-party sites and services
V2: 7 May 2023
We may change these Terms and Conditions from time to time without notice. Please review them when you visit the site.
- All Categories
- 15 Open Community (Open to All)
- 7 Welcome and Introductions
- 6 Coffee Lounge
- 1 Competitions and special offers
- 1 Open Community Help and Support
- My Community Groups
- 269 My Life's Discussions
- 23 Workplace and Employment
- 20 Education and Skills Development
- 15 Entertainment At Home
- 14 Entertainment Out and About
- 33 Travel and Transport
- 8 Built Environment - Access to Buildings and Urban Spaces
- 16 Fitness, Sports and Adventure
- 8 Cooking, Eating and Nutrition
- 10 Arts, Music and Crafts
- 14 Fashion and Beauty
- 17 Home and Daily Basics
- 4 Relationships and Sex
- 20 News and Current Affairs
- 9 Banking and Finance
- 12 Policy and Legislation
- 18 Healthcare
- 9 Shopping
- 3 Housing
- 5 Suggest a new discussion
- Education and Training Opportunities