Online Shopping Experiences

Online Shopping for People with Disabilities
Do you move, think, or sense differently? Are you a person with a non-visible disability? Are there certain colors that make it challenging for you to look at a website when you are shopping? Are the navigation buttons on online shopping easy to find?
So many businesses are still missing the mark with respect to making online shopping and accessible, fun, and inclusive experience.
What are some of your experiences with online shopping? What are some of the best websites you love to shop on and find inclusive? Where are the barriers to entry for you when you are shopping online? The world is becoming more digital by the day It's important to work together to bring awareness to digital accessibility and digital inclusion.
Lexology came out with a really interesting article discussing How accessible and inclusive is your retail online presence? Are you creating an inclusive and accessible shopping experience with technology?
What do you think of this article? What would you add to it?
there's a great YouTube video by Fashioneyesta where she discusses how accessible is online shopping for the visually impaired?
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