Financial Barriers for People with Disabilities

Financial Barriers for People with Disabilities

There are a host of barriers that impact people with disabilities. The top 5 barriers to impact many according to The Life Span Institute of the University of Kansas include:

  1. Attitudinal barriers
  2. Physical barriers
  3. Policy barriers
  4. Communication barriers
  5. Social barriers

Each of these barriers encompass so many different challenges. What are some of the financial barriers that affect your life? How have you navigated them? Do you have any tips and tricks for others? In finance, healthcare, daily life?

The U.S. House Committee on Financial Services came out with a very interesting webinar: Diversity Includes Disability. Exploring Inequities in Financial Services for Persons with Disabilities, Including Those Newly Disabled Due to Long-Term-Covid.

Would love to know your thoughts on this webinar?