UK- Number of autistic people in mental health hospitals: latest data

Rather than headline news on specific case of people with autism struck in Care. This is the head data facts.
The latest monthly Assuring Transformation NHS Digital data shows that in December 2024:
- In total 2,050 autistic people and people with a learning disability are in inpatient mental health hospitals in England
- 1,430 (70%) of these people are autistic
- There are 210 under 18s in inpatient units that are autistic or have a learning disability. Of these, 98% are autistic.
This is the most up-to-date record of how many autistic people and people with a learning disability, both adults and children, are currently in inpatient units in England.
Despite some progress moving people with a learning disability out of hospital and into the community, the number of autistic people in inpatient facilities has increased. In 2015, autistic people made up 38% of the number in hospital, now it is 70%. Additionally, the number of autistic people without a learning disability detained in mental health hospitals has increased by 129% since 2015.
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