Increasing Living Costs for disabled people

In the UK we all been told gas/electricity costs will increase in a weeks’ time as well as the extra winter fuel allowance been cut for many pensioners.
There for it is very timely for Scope to put out there annual report highlighting how much more it costs to live with a disability.
Disability charity, SCOPE, has updated its Disability Price Tag report for the second year in succession. It shows that the cost of living with a disability has increased again.
Last year SCOPE announced the findings of their third Disability Price Tag report. The Disability Price Tag is the additional amount of money a disabled household needs, to equal the standard of living of a non-Disabled household. The findings of last year’s report put this amount at £975 per month, and the latest findings show an increase of £35, bringing the amount to £1010.
Scope first published figures for the extra cost of disability in 2018. Since then, there has been a global pandemic, the ongoing cost-of-living crisis and soaring prices for care, food, energy and housing. More Disabled households and carers have fallen into poverty and the number of Disabled people out of work has increased.
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