Fraud, error and Debt bill

This all comes as the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) announced a new Fraud, Error and Debt Bill to “stop fraud in its tracks”. The legislation would allow the DWP to compel banks to hand over information about people’s finances if there is a suspicion that they are claiming benefits they are not entitled to. Disabled people are incredibly concerned that this risks potentially 'criminalising' benefit claimants and making marginalised and Disabled people fear they will see their benefits removed due to unavoidable errors made at the DWP’s hands. This is something we have already seen similar of, with unpaid carers currently paying back huge overpayments through no fault of their own, as a result of DWP bureaucratic failings.
To read more about this and the campaign against it,
Thanks for sharing this Sam. Being in the United States I realize this was going on over in England. We have similar challenges here as well.
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