Smart tech service for vulnerable people launched

I use Voice assistant tech in my home and have encouraged my parentsto as well. It great to see a Local authority seeing the benefits of it fordisabled people. I like the fact they are also showing people how to use it.But I wondered if they will help maintain and what happens when/if it stopsworking?
I didn't have any voice assistive technology for many years until about 2 years ago and I am a C6 quadriplegic. I thought I was only going to use it for 911 for safety in case something happened, but have started to use it for music therapy around the house throughout the day, which has really helped me tremendously. I now also control my lights and other functions like the alarm clock, which has really been a game changer for me.
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It has been great for me in helping me with spelling while working for home. It also saves me getting out of bed to turn the lights before going a sleep, so I don't wake myself up.
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