Inclusive Content in Traditional Media

Inclusive Content in Traditional Media
When CODA won the best picture Oscar in 2022, many people with disabilities hoped it would lead to more inclusion of their stories in media. Aside from awareness and
accolades, it appears that little progress to further advance disability
inclusion of screen has followed.
With limited inclusive options across TV and film, it's not surprising that the disability
community has found more of what it's looking for cross social media channels,
where content creators with disabilities are actively feeling the inclusivity
void across traditional media channels.
Click Here for full article on limited inclusive content in traditional media.
What experiences have you had with feeling included or not included with respect to representation in traditional media, TV shows, movies?
Are there specific disability influencers you follow that you feel represent your disability community in a way you feel is more inclusive? We would love to hear in the comments below on some disability influencers you follow and why.
Check out Molly Burke, a blind Canadian YouTube personality and motivational speaker who focuses on destigmatizing Many issues in the blind/low vision community. She's a wonderful motto "even though I can't see, I know there are bright spots in everything we face."
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