Starting a new job...

Shannon McLain
Shannon McLain Member (Full) Posts: 8

Starting a new job...

Starting a new job is always scary, but having chronic conditions makes things even more unpredictable. What do you disclose, what do you keep to yourself?

I just started a new job and I told them that I get frequent headaches. They made were so kind about accommodating that, that they actually moved offices! I did not tell them about POTS and low and behold, I passed out visiting a construction site during my first week! A very kind person there had happened to have POTS as well and helped me out.

How do you navigate the workplace and disclosure?


  • Samantha Fletcher
    Samantha Fletcher Member (Full) Posts: 106

    Starting a new role, is very scary. I am always upfront and tell them early as possible as if they can not accept my impairment, then they can't accept me, as it is part of me. Which means it's not going to work so it better to know that earlier than later. However, it is always a brave step to take and I often feel very vulnerable when I do this. I have always found people to be very accepting and kind.