How we protect your privacy

Christine H
Posts: 5
Open Inclusion is deeply committed to respecting and protecting your privacy.
This commitment to protecting your privacy is true of any engagement with us, including,
- when you use the website
- when you are engaging on this community platform (registered or as a guest)
- when you choose to engage with us for any research
You can find out how we protect your privacy, including what data we may collect, how we use and store it and your rights to remove, correct or update it by reading our Privacy Policy here. There is also a link to it in the footer on every webpage and in the information you will receive if undertaking any specific research with us.
It does get revised and updated from time to time so please do check back at any point. The latest version is V2.0 and was updated June 2024.
If you have any feedback on Open's Privacy Policy
- that could help us make it clearer or easier to understand, or
- about the way in which we ask for, process, use or store your data
please reach out to us at
- All Categories
- 15 Open Community (Open to All)
- 7 Welcome and Introductions
- 6 Coffee Lounge
- 1 Competitions and special offers
- 1 Open Community Help and Support
- My Community Groups
- 269 My Life's Discussions
- 23 Workplace and Employment
- 20 Education and Skills Development
- 15 Entertainment At Home
- 14 Entertainment Out and About
- 33 Travel and Transport
- 8 Built Environment - Access to Buildings and Urban Spaces
- 16 Fitness, Sports and Adventure
- 8 Cooking, Eating and Nutrition
- 10 Arts, Music and Crafts
- 14 Fashion and Beauty
- 17 Home and Daily Basics
- 4 Relationships and Sex
- 20 News and Current Affairs
- 9 Banking and Finance
- 12 Policy and Legislation
- 18 Healthcare
- 9 Shopping
- 3 Housing
- 5 Suggest a new discussion
- Education and Training Opportunities