UK based activities for disabled adults
Hello Open Community,
I've been trying to figure out some activities for me and my brother to do out of the house which is accessible to our needs. Ideally, we need quiet times, break-out rooms, and generally not to be too overstimulating.
I was thinking of Marwell Zoo here in the UK! It actually does look like they have some accessible options like quiet times!
Do you know of anything which is relatively local to the Hampshire?
I was told yesterday by a friend that Disney Land Paris was one of the most disability inclusive attractions they had been to which I found quite surprising? They did also say how expensive it was haha
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Hi Tom
It maybe worth looking at the National trust, or the site below has some suggestions and I heard legoland is good.
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Thanks, @Samantha Fletcher this looks great! Ambitious about Autism sounds cool. I had heard Legoland had slipped on some accessibility because of fast track passes to ride. Appreciate it though !
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