Our Open Inclusion brand values

We would like the online community to be an enriched, diverse extension of the Open Inclusion business and brand. The values that we operate by and would like the community platform to abide by also are to consistently be, 

1. Considerate

We do not make assumptions. We value differences in needs and preferences (including individual community members, clients, team members and collaborative partners). We are considerate in our ways of engaging to reflect these differences.

2. Practical 

If it doesn't make a positive difference in someone’s day, at the end of the work we are contributing to, we need to challenge ourselves. ‘Why are we doing it?’

3. Creative 

We think beyond the obvious. We use creative approaches to identify and find new ways to solve current or emerging issues.

4. Curious 

We remain open to new ideas. We know that this a journey of knowledge that never ends. We enjoy the humility this requires and are always interested in learning and unlearning. We welcome unexpected challenges and connections that our curiosity provides.

5. Collaborative 

We know our limits, personally and as an organisation. Respecting these limits, we seek effective collaboration with others when we can create a more powerfully positive impact together. We regularly partner across role or organisational borders to bring together the right team, engaging effectively to best address the challenge / opportunity at hand.