Singing for wellbeing

Singing for wellbeing
One of the few good things which I think has come from Covid experience is the increased availability of on-line activities. These can be of benefit those of us who struggle to get out and join group activities in person.
One thing I discovered was on-line singing. In lockdown a wonderful group started called Sofa Singers. Although it was founded in Wales that is an international on-line community, where people from all over meet to learn a new song each week.
Another adaptation to lockdown was the English organisation called Tuneless Choir (for those of us who are “vocally challenged”!) launched an on-line version. No attempt to teach us … we are not “on a journey” … just having a laugh!
Check BBC's video on Tuneless Choir
It would be great to hear other people's ideas for keeping cheerful?
Love this! Singing I would say is my favourite but also some somatic movements which help reconnect muscle to brain :)
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