House of commons research: More disabled people are in work than in 2022

The number of working-age (16 to 64) disabled people in the UK who are in work was higher in the final quarter (October to December) of 2023 than in the final quarter of 2022, according to data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) Labour Force Survey.
This feels like progress and I can only hope that employment carries on rising for the disabled community. From what I hear from my community, having a career can sometimes feel like something which isn't always attainable.
I can't help but think this is because of flexible working, organisations being more open to disabled employees, and the progression of being open to change.
Would be interested to know how the labor force participation rate is over in the EU.
As we have discussed, addressing labor force participation is step one and then getting people employed is step two. In America ~two thirds of all working age people with disabilities are not in the labor force and the unemployment rate for PWD's is more than double that of People Without Disabilities.
So, there does seem to be "progress" on getting more PWD's into work, but a chasm still exists.
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