Those with mobility impairments - how do you feel about the Expecting Mothers parking?

Hi there, everyone!
I've got a question geared toward those with mobility impairments who use the accessible parking spots, but it's open to everyone! How do you feel about the Expecting Mothers' parking spaces?
I think they're great for mothers who have to tote babies and car seats, etc. However, my issue comes when they blatantly remove accessible parking spots for these. Why take away from one group to help another? Parking lots are HUGE and can accommodate both those with mobility impairments and expecting mothers without taking from one to give to the other.
I've experienced only one accessible parking spot on either side of a store because they changed the second to an Expectant Mother spot. As a person who requires additional room to enter and exit my vehicle independently, I also park there if it's available because the lines I need are there! Granted, I'm not a mother yet, but I've had ambulatory or "abled-bodied" experiences with a baby and stroller; I didn't need a spot in the near front nor additional room in the traditional place.
I've seen a lot of mixed reviews on socials... Do I sound like a jaded wheelchair user? Lol. Be honest. Any feedback is appreciated!
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