Half of disabled consumers face access issues at live events: Are artists partly to blame?

A couple of weeks ago some of the community leaders met up to discuss festival accessibility and what we felt were some barriers to entry. Needless to say, there were lots of barriers that we have or may face, but this was a conversation which I thoroughly enjoyed being a musician myself.
Although the conversations directed were around people going to festivals, I naturally thought about the artist's responsibility in ensuring their fans can access them safely. In Southampton, I usually play at what I now consider are in-accessible venues which made me think "if I'm inviting fans to see me is it my responsibility to ensure they can see me safely?"
Everyone should be able to enjoy events freely but I wonder what could make the process of accessing a festival more easy for everyone? From artists to fans....
Link provided by a community leader.
I love it when performers have their own sign language interpreters as they tend to be really skilled in performing with that artist their music / show. For me it adds to the enjoyment of the show.
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So do I @Christine H ! :D It's that feeling of welcoming everyone. The conversations happening around the interpreters as well is representation at the festival as well as providing an enjoyable service. The interpreters will also bring that energy! There are some great videos on YouTube of this in action.
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