Super Bowl ASL Interpretation

Andrew Warren
Member (Full) Posts: 9
- The recent Super Bowl has upset the deaf community in many ways, mainly the lack of visibility of ASL performers pregame and halftime on national TV.
- To watch the full ASL version, deaf people must go to a special link to access it on a different device instead of using cable on their TV which is an awkward process depending on the device.
- Marlee Malitin is still the only ASL performer who was able to get equal TV time alongside Garth Brooks at Super Bowl XXVII in 1993
- The halftime deaf performer for 2024 Super Bowl isn’t known for performing ASL versions of songs in sign language, he is well known as a deaf dancer instead. A lot of deaf people couldn’t understand what he was signing about the song as he was more into dancing along the halftime performance so the deaf community had to rely on the captions to understand what the song was about.
- The deaf community wants more transparency in the selection process for ASL performers for the next Super Bowl
The deaf community has signed a petition to the National Association of Deaf calling for more transparency. More information here:
This is interesting Andrew. I remember seeing the Google advert featured at the Super Bowl putting accessibility at the forefront. Particularly interested in the area of brands hosting disability-inclusive communications but not being accessible themselves!
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