Universal Design- Accessibility for All

When I go out in the community, I sometimes have to rely on others due to inaccessible buildings and parking lots. How often do you go to a restaurant and find that there is an accessible button to open the door and a convenient curb cut? In my experience, the answer to this question is "not very often."

I recently visited a store to find a bridesmaid's dress for my best friend’s wedding. When I arrived at the bridal store, there were three large steps to access the building and there was clearly not a ramp anywhere nearby. My first thought was, "there is no way anyone in a wheelchair could enter this store." My second thought was, "I guess the owner of the store doesn't think people with disabilities get married." 

The building was clearly an older building that is probably "grandfathered" into the Americans with Disabilities Act. Despite this fact, if all public entities made their buildings accessible, to the greatest degree possible, people with disabilities would be more likely to feel welcomed and included in their communities. Also, accessibility features, such as ramps, curb cuts, and automatic door openers, make the environment accessible for all people. 


  • Gautam Chaudhury
    Gautam Chaudhury Member (Full) Posts: 2


    I am a HR Professional and a PWD-mobility Challenges and Spinal injuries from India.I am a Rotary foundation Alumni.I am interested to be connected with you. Please add me in WhatsApp.Gautam Chaudhary,+919937044148