Winter preparedness tips

Geoff Cook
Geoff Cook Member (Full) Posts: 67
edited January 2024 in Home and Daily Basics

Winter preparedness tips

As most of the country continues to deal with uncharacteristically low temperatures, here are some tips to remain warm and safe. The Independent Living Association published this article.

If you are a wheelchair user. Many sites suggest having an emergency kit if stuck in hazardous conditions. Some items on hand include a protein bar, bottled water, and hand warmers.

It would be best to have a plan for deicing the sidewalks, steps and ramps around your home.

What tips and tricks would you like to share with the community about handling various winter conditions?

Stay warm and safe.


  • Hey Geoff,

    I can relate to this post as when I am on caring responsibilities for my brother we will usually stick with what we know in terms of areas. Apart from wrapping up warm, I tend to take out a flask of hot drink for us to share and keep an eye on the weather apps! Knowing an area well and which is close to home for my SO is important for this. Tom

  • Geoff Cook
    Geoff Cook Member (Full) Posts: 67

    Thanks for writing, Tom. It's about the little details right I can't drive my chair with a mitten so I take as many handwarmers as possible. You are 100% correct about staying in the areas you know. Even down to the sidewalk, you know.

  • I agree, on the other hand it's quite difficult to break the habit of doing the same thing but it works for my brother and me just fine. When it's cold like this better dry than sorry! Haha