Regulator calls on rail operators to improve complaints processes and redress provision for disabled

We have some exciting research that has just been published by the Office of Rail and Road (ORR).
The mixed method research project was a collaboration between ORR, research agency Trajectory, and Open Inclusion to better understand the complaint processes of disabled passengers when travelling by train. The research was eye-opening to listen to the barriers disabled passengers face when travelling by train but reassuring that ORR are looking into more accessible ways of making complaints.
- What are some of the barriers that we are currently facing at train stations?
- How does it feel that ORR are tackling this access barrier?
Very interesting as someone who struggles with the written word and forms, I would welcome a way to complain with audio and photos.
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That's interesting @Samantha Fletcher because having varied methods of making a complaint did come up in the research. Not one way suits everybody I think is the saying?
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