Adaptive Tools for Cooking

What Adaptive tools to use for cooking?
Do you love to cook? Do you have a physical mobility impairment where you need adaptive cooking utensils to help you?
There are so many wonderful products on the market and I'm curious what you use? Please post some of your adaptive solutions that help you cook.
Here are a few websites with really interesting adaptive cooking utensils:
Here is a great YouTube video of some different independent cooking techniques with adaptive tools:
The one-touch electric can opener has been the best adaptive product I've found!
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I also use these all the time to open up the pesky food packages! Most of them are not disability friendly.
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OXO good grips plastic containers have a large button to press to release the lid, so much better than the traditional storage containers.
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@Julie Dickins thanks for this really great tip. I have added in the link below if anyone is interested in these very cool good grip plastic containers:
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Since I'm totally blind, I use a talking microwave from Magic Chef and a talking toaster oven.
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That's really creative!
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